From June 6th to 9th, 2024, across the 27 Member States of the Union, elections for the European Parliament will take place, and we at CHANCE β Civil Hub Against orgaNised Crime in Europe β want our voices to be heard!
We call on leaders and political parties to listen to our demands and actively engage in the fight against organized crime. It’s time to join forces and work together for a safer and fairer future for all Europeans.
Join us and make a difference!
To Join the #Youthinconnection campaign, attend the event that will take place in Rome on the 3rd of May. For all info and to register, visit this page.
Project funded by the European Union.
#YouthInConnection #UseYourVote #CHANCE4EUROPE #Empowerment #SocialJustice #CHANCEnetwork #EuropeanElections2024