I the undersigned hereby request to be a member of Repubblika (hereinafter also referred to as the “Association”). I have read the statute of the Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Statute”) and hereby subscribe to it. I hereby undertake to inform the Executive Committee of Repubblika if my status changes in a way that is relevant to the Statute.

16th Feb, 2025

Do you wish to receive communications (updates, events, press releases, other information etc.) from Repubblika?

I understand that this application does not automatically entitle me to become a member of Repubblika.

This membership application will be reviewed and confirmed/refused by notification from Repubblika’s executive committee within 8 weeks of receipt. The executive committee may ask for further information such as CV or answers to specific questions during this time. Delays in response may result in delay to processing. Once membership is confirmed, applicants will be asked to submit an annual membership fee of €25 payable via cheque or bank transfer (with a discounted rate of €15 for students and persons under 18).

The personal data you provide on this form will be processed by Repubblika in strict accordance with the Data Protection Act (Chapter 586 of the Laws of Malta) and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) for the purposes of managing your membership, and in order to communicate with you (in the event that you have opted to receive such communications from Repubblika). Your personal data will be stored securely and will not be shared with any other person or entity without your permission. All personal data will be kept on record for a period of five (5) years from the date of the expiry or termination of your membership. Should you have any queries regarding your personal data or wish to opt-out from receiving communications, these are to be sent to Repubblika on repubblika.mt@nullgmail.com. You are reminded that you may be requested to provide proof of identity in some cases before we are able to address your query. At all times you have the right to petition the Information & Data Protection Commissioner [www.idpc.org.mt].

V6 5/6/2019