17th December 2022
Dear Member,
At a meeting of the Executive Committee of Repubblika held on Monday 21st November 2022, it was decided that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Repubblika shall be held on Friday 17th March 2023 and for this purpose the Committee appointed the following persons as the five members of the Nominations Committee which shall supervise the nominations and voting for the new Executive Committee of Repubblika and for the offices of President and Vice President of Repubblika:
- Joanna Agius
- Beatrice Gatt
- Antonio Grech
- Karen Zerafa Boffa
- Mario Grech
I invite you to make recommendations to the Nominations Committee of candidates for the following offices within forty-five (45) days from today:
- Members of the Executive Committee;
- President of the Executive Committee; and
- Vice President of the Executive Committee.
Recommendations can be made by email to repubblika.nc@nullgmail.com or by mail addressed to “Nominations Committee, Repubblika, 29, Pjazza tal-Knisja, Mqabba”.
The following are the main rules regulating the election of members of the Executive Committee and of the President and Vice President of Repubblika:
Ninety (90) days before the annual membership meeting, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominations Committee comprised of five (5) Active members. The names of the members of the Nominations Committee shall be published on the Association’s website and sent via email to all members which email shall invite members to make recommendations to the Nominations Committee of candidates for the offices vacant in terms of the Statute and/or of the office of Executive Committee Member within forty-five (45) days.
The Nominations Committee shall publish the names of the nominees for each position on the Association’s website.
Not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting, other persons may be nominated by petition signed by at least ten (10) members in good standing, and such nomination shall be accepted by the Nominations Committee and placed on the ballot, having published the full list of nominees not later than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.
Voting by the procedure established by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Nominations Committee shall conclude no later than one (1) day prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
Election shall be by the ‘first past the post’ method and voting shall be supervised by the Nominations Committee.
The Executive Committee shall be made up of no more than thirteen (13) individuals and shall include the President, the Vice President, the Immediate Past President (the ex officio members), the Secretary General and the Treasurer, provided that at no time shall the number of individuals making up the Executive Committee be less than five (5) and in the event that nominations are not sufficient to make up this number, the process of dissolution of the Association shall be put into effect by the Executive Committee.
All Executive Committee Members shall be members of the Association in good standing.
All Executive Committee Members, including the President, the Vice-President and the Immediate Past President shall hold office for two (2) years, unless sooner terminated in accordance with this Statute, provided that with regard to the President, Vice-President and Immediate Past President this provision shall only apply with effect from the Annual General Meeting of the year two thousand twenty-three (2023).
In the event that the number of members of the Executive Committee falls below five (5), the Nominations Committee last nominated shall seek to remedy the default, failing which within eight (8) weeks from the vacancy/ies arising, the process of dissolution of the Association shall be put into effect by the Nominations Committee.
A Member of the Executive Committee shall be eligible for re-election for up to two (2) subsequent two-year terms upon the expiration of their first term in office. Each member of the Executive Committee, including ex-officio members, shall have one (1) vote on each matter presented to the Executive Committee for action, whereas the President shall have an original and a casting vote.
The Executive Committee may elect or appoint Officers, other than the President and Vice President, including one or more Assistant Secretaries and one or more Assistant Treasurers, as it shall deem desirable, and such Officers to have authority and perform the duties prescribed from time to time by the Executive Committee. Any two (2) or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of President, Vice President and Secretary General.
The Officers of the Association, except the President and Vice President, shall be selected annually by the Executive Committee from its own membership at the first meeting following the Annual Meeting of Members.
I also take this opportunity to inform you that at the AGM of the 17th March 2023, the Executive Committee shall present a motion to amend Repubblika’s statute in order to remove the limit on the number of terms that Members of the Executive Committee may be re-elected to the office. Moreover, the Executive Committee will be re-nominating Dr Robert Aquilina and Alessandra Dee Crespo for the posts of President and Vice President respectively until the AGM to be held in March 2025.
Best regards,
Frank Piscopo
Secretary General