Robert Abela promised to take action regarding Edward Scicluna and did not keep his word. Edward Scicluna remained where he was, the Governor of the Central Bank, although he is facing trial on serious criminal offences in Court.

This is an episode which shows that people in power are not only untouchable even when they are caught stealing, but when they are accused of stealing, they receive an award: like Edward Scicluna’s award, who from now on will not even have to work for his extraordinary salary.

Contrary to what Robert Abela promised, Edward Scicluna gave himself long leave with pay, and will probably continue to enjoy this convenient pay award for nothing until his term as Governor ends. He will pay himself €11,000 a month from people’s taxes so that he does nothing. This is a salary of more than seven times the national average, which the Maltese people will have to fork out of their own pocket. This behaviour is disgusting and condemnable and frankly an act of theft of public money which ironically is the crime that Edward Scicluna is already accused in Court of committing.

Edward Scicluna has no respect for the Maltese people. And Robert Abela has neither the will nor the power to protect us from this blatant theft.

It is not an excuse that “there are laws specifically for the Central Bank Governor”. No law removes accountability towards the public. If Robert Abela considers that he does not have the authority to dismiss Scicluna, then he should shoulder responsibility for the consequence of Scicluna’s appointment. When Abela appointed Scicluna, Abela knew that a magisterial inquiry was ongoing where Scicluna was being investigated criminally. We warned the Prime Minister in December 2020 not to appoint as Governor anyone who is being investigated for serious crimes. And Abela ploughed on regardless.

So now that he has created this mess and nailed it to our shoulders, it should be Robert Abela who assumes responsibility for this mess and for the wastage of the Maltese people’s money. If Edward Scicluna’s salary is needed so that Edward Scicluna does nothing, it should be paid by Robert Abela from his own salary.