đŸ“·Times of Malta

We cannot tolerate seeing criminal organizations use their resources to intimidate state officials doing their duty to stand up to them. We are not going to accept the intimidation and threats of the investigators, prosecutors and magistrates and we are not going to remain silent in front of a mafia organization that uses threats and fear to have its way and evade justice.

We refer first to the orchestrated persecution organized by Joseph Muscat of one of the Court’s experts who collected and documented the evidence in the inquiry into corruption in the hospitals concession. This vile intimidation is being done to this expert because the evidence she collected will bring Joseph Muscat and his friends into trouble. He cannot discredit the evidence so he is seeing how to discredit and intimidate the one who collected it.

We recall that the same expert was identified as a forensic accountant in the Egrant inquiry. In that inquiry, because that it benefited Joseph Muscat, there was no contestation of the credentials of that same court expert. Muscat threatens whoever he considers to be an obstacle between the crimes he committed and the impunity he expects to enjoy.

We refer at the same time to the threats issued by the spokesperson of Joseph Muscat’s organization, Jason Micallef, who threatened that there would be retribution for anyone who contributed to the prosecution of Muscat. This intimidation is intended to silence those state officials with conscience and responsibility who want to perform their duty according to the law. That is why we reiterate to Muscat that we are not afraid of him and that we will never leave the state forces alone to fight organized crime and promote legality.