Repubblika condemns in the most categorical manner the decision of the Broadcasting Authority to fine RTK 103 for not giving space to Norman Lowell and his fascist party before the last European campaign.

Norman Lowell and his party promote anti-democratic politics, based on hatred, the removal of human rights, and the fascist fantasy of a “European empire”. This is a kind of politics which we deplore and which, because it wants to destroy democracy, has no space in it.

In a democracy there should be room for divergent opinions, except for those opinions which like Norman Lowell do not tolerate the right of others to live.

The Broadcasting Authority is a body set up by the Constitution and therefore its main job of defending it. Between fascism and democracy, the Broadcasting Authority should not be neutral. Let alone fine those who perform their democratic duties and do not tolerate fascism.

We express solidarity with Andrew Azzopardi and his colleagues at RTK 103 and assure them that all democratic forces in Malta will not leave them alone. It is a pity that once again the Maltese State abandoned democracy and sided with tyranny.