Repubblika Will Not Tolerate Interference With Justice
Repubblika has just issued a Press Release condemning the Prime Minister’s threat in a declaration he made on Facebook, where he announced that he intends to reform magisterial inquiries. Abela seems to be suggesting that he will be removing the right of citizens to submit petitions for magisterial inquiries.
Instead of adopting this extreme measure, the Prime Minister should see why a citizen feels that the only way to obtain justice is to recur to this means. If Robert Abela really wants to reform the sector, these are the necessary steps to be taken:
- the all-important reform for the police force is carried out and the appropriate resources given to them so that they do not fall under the control of the government of the day and investigate and act against any type of corruption;
- a reform in the magistrature that ensures the appointment of investigative magistrates, with police who work directly with them. Their job would be to investigate any suspicion of corruption;
- an AG’s office that is not conditioned and rendered ineffective by political interference, but does its job without any distinction of who is who;
- the Permanent Commission against Corruption wakes up from its beauty sleep and begins to function according to the powers that the law already gives it.
If the Prime Minister carries out these reforms, then he will show that he is really working in the interest of justice. The fight against corruption has to be strengthened by providing more means to fight it, and not by lessening them.
However, Robert Abela’s declaration on Facebook does not indicate that this is the path that he wishes to follow. We, Repubblika, are ready to fight him with all means at our disposal to stop a disaster in the field of justice.
Vicki Ann Cremona
Renato Camilleri
Vice President