Il-Procès Verbal kien ippubblikat minn MaltaToday u jista’ jinqara hawn: Vitals Inquiry Report

Rikors relattivament għall-konċessjoni taI-Isptar ta’ Ghawdex, l-Isptar San Luqa u l-Isptar Karen Grech mill-Gvern ta’ Malta a favur is-soċjetà Vitals Global Healthcare Limited, in segwitu trasferita a favur is-soċjetà Steward Health Care u relattivament għall-akkwist tas-soċjetà Technoline Limited minn Ivan Vassallo.

p. 1: Repubblika saqsiet għall-inkjesta taħt il-presidenza ta’ Marion Pace Asciak. Firmatarji: Vicki Ann Cremona, Robert Aquilina, Manuel Delia, Simon Sansone u Pia Zammit.

p. 2-8: L-akkużi kontra diversi persuni u l-argumenti tagħhom għaliex dan ir-rikors għandu jieqaf: Konrad Mizzi, Chris Cardona, Keith Schembri – appellaw, Ivan Vassallo – m’appellax.

p. 8-14: L-oppożizzjoni għal Repubblika u d-drabi li kellha titla’ l-Qorti

p. 20-39: Il-lista tax-xhieda kollha li nstemgħu mis-16 ta’ ottobru 2019 sat-8 ta’ April 2024.

p. 39-41: Il-lista tat-tfittxijiet (9) u għalfejn saru, u meta xhedu dawk li kienu qegħdin jagħmlu dawn it-tfittxijiet.

p. 42: Id-‘Disclosure’ ta’ Joseph Muscat

p. 42-70: L-esperti: min kienu u kif ħadmu

p. 52-54: Rapport fuq it-tfittxija fid-dar ta’ Muscat

p. 70-75: Ir-rapporti tal-Pulizija fuq is-“Scene of Crime”

p. 78: Ir-rapporti tal-“forensic analysts”: 90 terabytes ta’ informazzjoni; kif intefqu l-flus tal-poplu Malti u min kien involut

p. 85-108: Patterns, temi rikorrenti u evidenza kumulattiva

p. 91: Mizzi and probably Muscat were not only central to the whole scheme from its inception but that their orchestration and endorsement of it ‘seems to have been essential to getting the PPP off the ground and then awarded to the consortium (including Shaukat) behind VGH.

p. 96: Involuti prinċipali li bbenefikaw minn “financial awards”: Keith Schembri, Konrad Mizzi, Joseph Muscat

Involuti oħra: Shaukat Ali Chaudry, Ivan Vassallo, Ram Tumuluri, Mark Pawley, Armin Ernst.

p. 108-137: Keith Schembri: “it is a challenge to summarise our voluminous findings in relation to him”. Il-lista tal-kumpaniji tiegħu, dawk fejn kien partner sigriet, modi oħra kif ibbenefika.

p. 130-134: Edward Scicluna u Alfred Camilleri

p. 137: Id-“double act” ta’ Schembri u Mizzi, u statement importanti tal-esperti: It is also in our opinion, improbable that PM Joseph Muscat, as the person in charge of them and who attended many of the key meetings, was not also aware and similarly culpable.

p. 137-152: Konrad Mizzi

p. 152-174: Joseph Muscat : involviment, ħlas u konoxxenza ta’ elementi importanti li kellhom x’jaqsmu mal-bejgħ tal-isptarijiet. Jingħata ukoll l-isfond politiku.

p. 160: In our opinion, it was Joseph Muscat, Schembri & Mizzi who orchestrated the award of the Concession to VGH and who later made possible the transfer of the concession from VGH to Steward. Thereafter they appear to have done everything within their power to ensure that VGH, and subsequently Steward, were not deemed to be in default of their commitments under the SCA despite the fact that both concessionaires were in default. They did this by constantly ‘moving the goalposts’ for financial close, extending deadlines in many cases without Cabinet approval. Mizzi ensured Steward got GOM backed loans of circa €30M from BOV. Mizzi also entered into an agreement as late as summer 2019, when it was clear the SCA was not working, which granted Steward a potential future compensation settlement pay-out of €100M in the event the concession award proved to be deemed unlawful”.

p. 175-253:  Shaukat Ali Chaudry u l-kumpanija prinċipali tiegħu Mount Everest u membri tal-familja tiegħu: Asad u Wajid

p. 253-266: Ivan Vassallo (Technoline) u l-kumpaniji kollha li kellu x’jaqsam magħhom

p. 266-280: Ram Tumuluri “President and managing director of Vitals healthcare” u l-kumpaniji li kien involut fihom. “Ram Tumuluri had fallen on hard times after he was declared bankrupt in Canada and he met with Shaukat Ali in a hotel, I believe in Dubai, and he gave him the idea to do a public private partnership approach to the health sector and make it a global model, so Shaukat Ali said he would take it to his connections in Malta as a case study, which is what they did, and on the day that Shaukat Ali met Ram Tumuluri, he told me Ram Tumuluri‘s shoes were torn, he didn’t have any money to buy shoes, Shaukat Ali bought Ram Tumuluri a pair of shoes that he could wear to ‘meet with Konrad Mizzi.”

p. 280: L-istruttura tal-Oxley Group The Oxley Group is an imprecise term, referring to an amorphous group of companies in Singapore, the BVI, and the Cayman Islands, all linked to Pawley and several other Singapore based businessmen”.

 p. 292: 0n 30 November 2015 Konrad Mizzi on behalf of GOM and Ram Tumuluri on behalf of VGH signed the Service Concession and Health Services Delivery agreements, however, VGH had not yet secured the €170 million necessary for the redevelopment of the hospitals.

p. 298: Concession was awarded to VGH a start-up company with no experience in healthcare and without the prerequisite funding to finance the development of the hospitals.

p. 311-316: Rapport li ntbagħat lil Schembri fejn jinkludi 11 il-kaz ta miżapproprjazzjoni ta’ fondi, li dan kellu juri l-gvern u jieħdu azzjoni kontra l-VGH. Minflok uzah biex iħaffef il-proċess biex tidħol Steward.

p. 316-339: Armin Ernst – CEO Vitals Global Health management, imbagħad Director and Company Secretary ta’ Steward.

p. 324: Just to clarify Sterward/my position, we gave up the due diligence for a variety of reasons, one it being the pressing timeline

p. 326: It-takeover ta’ Steward

p. 337: Annual salary of €400,000 per year with discretionary company bonuses ranging from €100,000 to €200,000per year.

p. 339-353: Saba Binte Abbas – financial controller VGH – parti mill-familja ta’ Shaukat Ali. Tikteb rapport fuq il-miżapproprjazzjoni tal-fondi tal-konċessjoni. Li juri kif kienu jintuzaw u min ibenefika minnhom (p. 343).

p. 353-375: Pierre Sladden – ħeba l-ownership ta’ Gateway Solutions – business associate ta’ Ivan Vassallo.

p. 375-389:  Attaul Wassay Bhatti – Accutor u kif gew trasferiti flus ghal ‘consultancy fees’

p. 389: Spring Healthcare and Cannapharm (anke fuq il-covid testing kits ippruvaw jisirqu) – ordnaw b’miljun ewro u kickback ta mitt elf.

p. 391-402: ix-xhieda ta’ żewġ diretturi li rriżenjaw minn Accutor – Sharma u Greenshields u t-testimonjanza tagħhom

p. 402-419: Aasia Parveen Shaukat, waħda minn-nisa ta’ Shaukat Ali u l-kumpaniji assocjati magħha – segretarja personali ta’ Ghaddafi

p. 415: PROPERTY Dr A Abela & S Abela  – client account – €233,750. “The law firm of Abela &Abela provided legal services to Shaukat Ali in 2018/19. Three payments of €21,250.00, €100,000 and €112,500 were made to the client account of Abela & Abela in July 2018. Abela & Abela raised an invoice dated 27 July 2019 for €9,973.90 regarding property transferred for a client referred to as ‘spouses Shaukat. This invoice is dated one year after receiving the three payments from Accutor AG in July 2018. See Appendix 3.61.

p. 419-431: Fakra Shaukat Ali – l-ewwel mara ta’ Shaukat Ali u l-business links tagħha u l-beneficci li rceviet.

p. 431-442: Adrian Hillman – bribery and money laundering

p. 442-552: Gateway solutions – proprietarji sigrieti Keith Schembri u Konrad Mizzi – emails, nies li kienu konnessi ma’ dawn id-deals inkluż il-Pilatus bank eċċ. Ir-rwol ta’ Ivan Vassallo u oħrajn … kif inxtara Technoline, id-dissolution agreement ma’ Technoline u kif inħolqu kumpaniji ohra: Eurybates, Eurasia….

p. 448:  These two politicians used the Maltese Healthcare Concession to serve their own respective financial positions through the abuse of their roles for GOM.

p. 552: Appendix – kumpless ħafna

Miġbur minn Vicki Ann Cremona – President, Repubblika